Sunday, February 9, 2020

||| Digital Society and Anthropomorphic Agents |||

Digital Society and Anthropomorphic Agents:
Trust, Sentiment and Business

Hrushikesha Mohanty
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
 KIIT DU, Bhubaneswar

Abstract of the Talk
(scheduled on 14th February 2020 @ Berhampur University, Berhampur, Odisha)

Wide spread of Internet today has given rise to the advent of digital society that connects netizens on cyber space exhibiting a new dimension to human life that is now parallel to its cyber life exhibiting a kind of duality that promises advantages and disadvantages that now we as students and researchers need to get engaged to harness the profits and to minimise the risk of this duality.

Now we are gradually tending to live in a triadic space of time, technology and teleology to harness good life albeit materialistic meeting the reality in existence while getting prepared to meet the exigencies effectively that the unknown future stores for us. This talk will explore the perspectives of both computer Science and Management science have in the context of digital society and its anthropomorphic characters towards Humanitics.

In this talk we will first discover the scenario of digital society may arise in our life style ranging from day to activities to make business for living. In this scenario of cyber world with cyber people the need for humantics is presented. On presenting the need the talk leads to the computability of two e.g. trust and likeness in cyber world. While doing that the talk presents a three dimensional model i.e. Knowledge, Location and Resource in which a person is represented by its objectives {Q} those are possibly derivable as points in three dimensional space. The objectives those are the most possible for a person from its position in space be {Q}  and the expecting ones {Q’} a person finds its social distance sd  with respect to an objective say q’. In its cyberspace, a person develops contacts with people to whom it trusts and with whom it sentimentally finds connected. This brings in the need for computing trust and analyse sentiments. These two well-known problems are now being studied extensively in computing world. The talk presents some graph theoretic problems to compute trust and sentiment of people in their cyber appearances.

In business world, trust and sentiment are vital aspects to transact business.  While collaborating with business partners one needs to find trusted partners. For the purpose of finding collaborators for a composed webservice, a scheme for trust based collaborator search will be presented. Further, on categorising sentiments to positive and negative, the talk presents a framework for brand management and personnel relation management. It also presents an idea of discovering influencer who can promote a drive for brand making as well as establishing good personal relationship in business.

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