Tuesday, December 25, 2018

||! MoKatha: Mahulia Sapan |||

|| MoKatha: Mahulia Sapan |||
Today MoKatha column talks of individual follows their intoxicating dreams and so people having the similar dreams make a network. Usually the people of the same social level make a planar graph for having the similar dreams while the graphs for some dreams spread across the social levels making hierarchical graphs. For a heterogeneous large population like ours one could well think of very complex networks that spread across society. Any decision making on people can be well estimated by visiting the graphs they form. For the purpose the study of 'Computational Social Science' will be helpful. Our Computer as well as Social Science scientists now put their heads together for developing this new branch of knowledge.
Read, review the column and have a happy Boxing Day ! Waiting for boxes to arrive :)

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