Tuesday, September 26, 2017

||| E Juga Ra Ekalavya |||

Published on 19th Sept. 2017 in Nirvaya Newspaper

The process of learning is evolving.... n childhood we were told to read in early hours for good memory. Asked to repeat and repeat reading for n times. Revise and write, listen, read and write in a loop until one excels, like cracking JEE exam. Some say no to toiling rather study while playing... different experts differ in their views but the real learner is the Ekalavya who at odds learns and excel though in-spite of the luck deceives still the thirst for the knowledge remains unquenchable !

The present effort in making knowledge available on MOODLE  Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment is to make students learn at anytime from anywhere being from far from Gurus and class rooms ........ the Ekalavyas of the time are arriving ... let's welcome them 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

||| MoKatha : The Picture of Villages Tomorrow |||

||| MoKatha : The Picture of Villages Tomorrow |||

Large scale Exodus from villages and at the same time clamour for more and more amenities like roads, electricity etc to villages ... all together what image of Indian villages, can project is the theme of the article. My projections some could be wrong but I can't be totally wrong because still I eat Mudhi (murmura) with black tea (Nali chaa') in evening ... :) Your view solicited _/\_ 13th Sept. 2017 Nirvaya