MoKatha 24th June '20 on Nirvay newspaper @
Bana Mati is a soil variety used to put a coat on mud walls for protection
as well as decoration. Cool mud houses once a comfort with pride are
fast vanishing as cement houses emerge around with a myth of eternity
that gets a beating with substandard Indira Abasha Yojana cement huts
to the bewilderment of Bana , the expert in experimenting with soils for
mud walls to the surprise of modern geologists those find unncessary to
ponder over but that was not so for Baidyanath babu, a Bhubaneshwar
urbanite who uses to visit his village Bangalpur for three days for Raja
festival that needs Baidyanath babu's ancestral mud house in good shape
for the extra ordinary service that Bana can provide now with is laments
of erosion of soil values for excessive use of fertile and pesticide !
The column ends with a optimism of 'look back' as Baidyanath babu's
son and daughter-in-law wish to spend three days in his ancestral mudhouse
summer palace !