Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saa'nt (GrandDad)

Hrushikesha Mohanty

Saa'nt - the image of past
Sometimes creeps in
To tease
While I'm on wheels to catch up a schedule.

Hey! Child -
Skipped breakfast again ?
- the image speaks.

Wait Saa'nt,
I have a lecture at 8.30am
- Leave me to run.

Run, Run, Run - why ?

- the image sneaks in and teases again
When the day has squeezed me
And my limbs are numb.

Saa'nt, what should I do ?
- this's the game of life

The day taught me" - I put forth
As ever reluctant kid of the past
for his all pastering and cozings.

Look at the mango trees
You looped and swung.
Remember the festives
Made you crazy.

Take a break, I'll tell you
Some more stories of Life

The image fades away
At the mound sheltering him.

I'm denied to dream.

1 comment:

Sai Prasad said...

The last sentence "I am denied to dream" sums up the predicament of the present day life style. Most of the time we are working with our outer being. The work, the worries everything touches the upper layer of the mind. The moments of peace and tranqulity and nearness to nature, the moment in which mind is silent and happy in union with all surroundings is becomming a rare occurence. Saa'nt is sweet in asking you to take a break and be with your self.
