Sunday, December 25, 2016


 MoKatha column on 21st December 2016 ... tells of  healthcare system in past people in village were practicing. That used to be centred around medicinal trees grown around. Village doctor 'Vaidya' had expertise in finding trees and their medicinal values. Later the expertise had been chronicled in pothis (on palm leaves ) and books. In Odisha Laxman Mishra book was widely used for reference to treat ailments. The days are gone. Not true past this Health care system was perfect. People were suffering. But, true immunity was much better and ailments were treated locally. Now, much research has given rise to medicines and different medical techniques to treat diseases and so also new diseases are appearing. Seems here a hide-and-seek game between medical science and diseases. And this will go on for time to come. There is nothing called cure and life has to end. It only matters a healthy living as long as one lives and resilience end when life has to end. Good now a days Ramdev Baba has brought awareness on Yoga to every door step and wish as long past people develop immunity to libe healthy and die peacefully .. blissful death  is a blessing too ..  who prefers to  die on 108 seat or ICU bed leaving a huge debt to next gen or being tied with tangles of Insurance companies ... better practice Yoga and die with the 108 names of Mahaprabhu on lips ....the column talks about ! ........

MoKatha column appears every Wedenesday on Nirvaya ( Page 8 ....

Comments solicited ....


Anonymous said...

Nice writing sir, especially the literary/linguistic logic in between your ideas to establish traditional medical practice. People while talking about vedantic science, or Hindutva have ignorantly missed this logic. Therefore they have been subjected to criticism and controversy. Your writing, in my consideration, has skillfully and intellectual avoided this.
In contemporary vocabulary, this kind of medicine is sophistically called community medicine.
But I have one problem with the promoter of yoga. Yoga has certainly been familiarized, but with PRICES. I am using the plural of price deliberately. For me, every action done with discipline, punctuality and interest is a yoga and much helpful for the health. For example, an honest and hardworking farmer is a yogic man, or a committed and sincere priest, or a classical dancer for that matter. If we follow certain methods, certain ethics, certain principles of our human bodies, that itself becomes yoga.

Hrushikesha Mohanty said...

Thanks for the comment. I agree with your definition of yoga. Here I mean its usage for health keeping both physical and mental. Particularly for people like us having sedentary life a 30 minutes Yogic posture does wonder. I do it and realised. The other aspects you are telling is also very true ... a yogi is true to its mind and action.

Anonymous said...

Bro forgot 'jhada phunka' and the good old 'gunia' !

Anonymous said...

True sir. If we are yogic /active through our active ages, old ages will not be a burden. That's why gerontos of earlier times lived better and died naturally, relatively compared to our times. But you are right because our middle ageds are now the new old ageds!

Anonymous said...

ageing for us is faster. Recent visit to Manipur I found ageing there is very slow. Probably so for their life style amidst the nature.

Anonymous said...

Yes sir. Hills have relatively better life enduring environment. They live closer to nature in food and lifestyle. I also feel the same sir.

Hrushikesha Mohanty said...

Our Odisha Hills we have made so inhospitable bald ... Our tribes are not as advanced as they are in NE. I feel so sad of it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, in hills they are upto themselves, in plains our tribes our victims.