Friday, February 8, 2019

|| MoKatha : Ganaka Guhaka |||

||| MoKatha : Ganaka Guhaka |||

Lat Wednesday that is 6th Feb. '19 the MoKatha columns of a three dimensional space of co-ordinates K: Knowledge L: Location and R: Resource one person can be represented with its objectives as points in three-dimensional space and further talks of the possibility of reaching out to each in society for which the mitra Guhak is computer now ready to work in tune with computational-social science. Odia knowing fb-friends please read, review and relax ! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ଚମତ୍କାର ଲେଖା । Art of taking ...
Sir ଲେଖା ଟି ସମାଜ କୁ ଆଇନା ପରି ।