Thursday, August 27, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
||| TIE :: Does God have an algorithm? |||
Please fill up the form if you wish to attend this talk on 29th Aug @7pm
By Hrushikesha Mohanty
TIE :: Does God have an algorithm?
The changes, one likes or dislikes, always follow us and
world moves on with it showing the sense of ‘move on’ as if it follows an
algorithm for change management. While meeting Covid-19 challenge, the world
has gone digital at the rate that’s never thought of. The talk will have a walk
around the possible worlds exploring the opportunities and the challenges lie
there …..
speaker Hrushikesha Mohanty
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
||| RekhaRudha |||
MoKatha on Nirvay newspaper dated 5th August '20 talks of a new world that albeit Carona has made it faster to appear that is the world-of-online where people found sitting on a line that is a void line on cyberspace connecting one to another never before people atleast in India found so patient to stand on lines except those two national days celebrations in schools when rural kids were arranged on lines like apples in packing boxes to a great annoyance of rural school teachers who found ever freedom loving kids severely strained for the days with loves of the nation deep in set whereas elders of the days found them as chattering beings being around the village barber Chemini of my village Bangalpur who had additional, infact prime duty at the village goddess Paschima who had and now even has, no love to bricks and mortars rather happy being under the giant banyan tree to listen to the prayers of villagers that Chemini conveys being a mediator with earnestness but nobody really was curious to know whether Chemini barber was following line for delivering his service at the Goddess or cutting hairs but all were happy even not being rekharudha online.
But now digital society added by the fear Carona has made a person in and out all online, a virtual life that exists for unseen by an unseen. World moves now online; no more yantrarudha because shutdowns have put the vehicles guarded in garages now you can sit and on pressing the buttons you desires moves, moves to clouds and grids from where messiahs, the bots and chats appear as 'akka hukum karo' to pluck the moon from sky from you provided you have enough of bytes and bits to pluck and pay.
The column in Odia goes with typical village pics of pasts we have left behind and put self in while loop with undefined termination condition thinking we may last infinite hopping no debugger is that efficient to find out because you know you have raised the debugger but alas you forgot your creations would once deviate as that was the rule of the game in past, as it's now and will remain so for the future. Debugger will dig once to find all the same; it's indeed
Aham Ekam