Saturday, July 2, 2022

||| TathyaKabandha |||

22nd June '22 MoKatha BahudaTathyaKabandha welcomes your views and reviews :


Anonymous said...

Excellent article on present context. Rumours spreading from Chemini Barik to Nupur Sharma and Agniveer and . Our Constitution need to be clear cut direction without multiple interpretations like freedom of expression and opposition always finds opportunities to destabilise Government

Anonymous said...

Sri Ram nka rati Gujab suniba
Techno Prabhu nka ashirwad ru Google,Twitter miliba
Tathya Betala gujaba
Tathya Kabandha ru tyajya madhyama
Hari Bansha Purana tathya
We require many more Mushei Piessa now👍👍

Anonymous said...

Both pieces are excellent. So also the examples/ explanatory notes as well as quotes.
Aptly describes the concepts.
Thanks for sharing.