Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Comment on Ananya Jamaja

I'm delighted to upload the comment I received from Sj.Banamali Nayak, Teacher BaladevJew Highschool, Ishwarpur, Simulia.

I'm very happy to get a pat from a teacher from my native place -and I'm proud to host
it on my blog.

Please click on image for better view


Anonymous said...

Dear Professor Mohanty,
I read your teacher's appreciation of your book. Nothing could be a greater prize than this. A sort of blessings and also encouragement to go ahead in creating new poetry. It is definitely a lonely journey, but one must keep it up till the end. One does not require a University to create new poems. One's soul is enough.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rushi,
My deep regards to Shree Banamali Nayak for his expressing the appreciation in such a wonderful way. His letter gave me a new angle to look at your poems. This is the unique mystry of poetry. As many times you read you discover and rediscover its expression in various ways. You interact with others and you get again a different layer.
I am so glad to read Mr. Nayak's letter.


Anonymous said...

it appears as if you have translated his feeling in to words.

Anonymous said...

In your description of your childhood feeling, I can see myself. Because, in my chilhood, also, there is a wonderful fusion of nature and life. Long time has elapsed, still those are so vivid in my meory. Your poems wake them up with a lovely magical touch. How can I amply thank you,