Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Follow the Greats

17th Nov. 2010

We always tell- Follow the Greats! Is a common one-liner heavily laden with
both moral and social responsibility? Mainly, for commoners as it's believed
they don't or can't distinguish but prefer to follow Greats' footsteps. In
our epics, that to in any culture there are Greats as if purposefully carved
out for these commoners. Commoners also so piously agree with these Greats.
Inafact, from childhood they are so told. If you see, practically this is
a workable thumbs rule. Possibly, for that the rule was being followed.

Always, each culture (now, aproximately synonym to country) seeks to add
new Greats to the list of Greats. Like, we have added M.K.Gandhi etc.
This is done, to make the list compatible to the present time. Reasonably,
well thought action. Isn't it?

As the time passes, seems the definition of Greatness changes. Particularly,
in current time. Let's narrow down the scope to our country. On asking,
kids to spell out name of Greats of today, they get thoroughly confused.
May be in this contemporary world, a word like 'Purushotam' well let me
not be gender biased 'Narotam'has no meaning. We don't think our (political)
leaders great, not acharyas (teachers), not dhanatwaris (doctors), not
litterateurs not not .... I have not talked of commoners as we see them
not entities - just dumb followers. In haste, I should mention that atleast
for vote sake we don't do that being a functional democracy / anarchy.

Coming back to Greats' greatness, we now-a-days resort to a technique
of refinement. We say he/she's good in so and so but not so in this.
He's a good doctor but not good parent. He's a good professional but
not so in politics. This makes me believe a person is like a composition
of many distinctly different elements and to be great in each dimension
is not possible. Then judging a wholesome Greatness is an outdated quest?
You will, atleast I will agree to consider this scheme of evaluation is
too hard like judging the difference between 'erring' and 'wrong-doing'.
I will prefer to leave it to a linguist. Well, it is a dichotomy to look
into slices of a person when for convenience we look for globalisation.
Still, for a meaning of Greatness, I agree to narrow down the scope to
the field of operation. Like, I will say a minister is great if he is
doing his ministerial portfolio in a great way, so for a doctor,
teacher or for anybody in his/her profession. But, can we say a
doctor great if he's inhuman? Can you say minister great if he/she's a
liar even if is a great performer. That's a big question. Isn't it?
That's the confusion.

Here, I remember an episode happened to me. In school my father asked,
'how did you do in today's Math exam?' I replied, 'Did well in Geometry
and algebra.' Father understood what it meant. Similarly, like me, many
in this country understand what and who is Great to be followed.
Not getting anybody? It's perfectly OK if you are following media
everyday. Neither done wrong nor erred. Scratch your head for semantics;
and the best use of semantics is to serve for the self.
Then you are the Great, found a Great - that's the moral of today's
world but not to be followed by commoners for better life and bright

Hrushikesha Mohanty


Anonymous said...

Good food for thoughts

A B Sagar said...


wonderful thought. Follow the Greats- is a very catchy term and seems logical to adhere to, but you have extracted the core essence. Someone is great means.. it is only in a particular field. Sir, that is very much true. I would also like to think a little beyond, and would think that.. if someone is great in 'all' aspects, then he would become a god, may be for commoners, at least :)

Thank You Sir, your articles are always very radical and thought provoking.

Anonymous said...


wonderful thought. Follow the Greats- is a very catchy term and seems logical to adhere to, but you have extracted the core essence. Someone is great means.. it is only in a particular field. Sir, that is very much true. I would also like to think a little beyond, and would think that.. if someone is great in 'all' aspects, then he would become a god, may be for commoners, at least :)

Thank You Sir, your articles are always very radical and thought provoking.

Posted by A B Sagar to MoKatha at November 17, 2010 11:14 AM

C.K. Rajendran said...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dear Sir,
First of all I would like to say that it has been long since you have written in English on a subject away from poetry. Sir, let me also begin by saying that your greatness lies in your writings.

As always you do in your writings, you have made your article very interesting and also added humor in sentences like ”there are Greats as if purposefully carved out for these commoners” and ” add new Greats to the list of Greats. Like, we have added M.K.Gandhi etc. This is done, to make the list compatible to the present time. Reasonably, well thought action. Isn't it?”

Reading this article is refreshing our mind on one side and engaging our mind to think on the subject on the other side. Your reply to your father on math exam reminds us of how children answer. It is also true when you said that on asking kids about the greats, they thoroughly get confused. In a purely social movie by Bhagya Raj (Actor director, Tamil movies) he has emphasized this point as follows: the teacher asks to name some greats, and the children take the names of actress and actresses. The teacher then blames the TV for this.

Some times the question posed by children also make us halt in our path. My father use to tell stories to my children. Mostly mythologies and other stories from panchatantra. Once after listening to the story of harishchandra and later to an episode from Mahabharata, my son asked my father, why lord Krishna spoke lies, when harischandra advocated that it is bad to lie. My father had to think for an proper answer before answering him. It is to be noted here that both Harischandra and Lord krisnha are great people. Likewise we can give many examples.

In one of the funniest episode of a TV program, they carried the photo of OSAMA BIN LADEN to the smaller towns and asked different people to identify the person. Most common answer was ‘a saint’. Similarly when shri Rabindra Nath’s photo was displayed in many colleges, they were unable to identify him and simply answered ‘an old man’.

I think in today’s world there is no time for the children and the younger generation to know about the greats. Well, in case someone wants to know something, the GOOGLE comes handy. So, things are taken lightly.

After reading the last Para of your article, there is no need to scratch the head as you have solved the problem of identifying the great. YES one is great within oneself.

Note: I enjoyed reading this article too as I always does with most of your articles. Thank You Sir.

C.K. Rajendran

Hrushikesha Mohanty said...

dear Rajendran

Glad that you liked it. I'm on a self-learning
course on creative writings - probably I will write novel(s).........
And that time you will review . Thanks for apt comments.

best wishes
Hrushikesha mohanty

Hrushikesha Mohanty said...

dear Sagar

Thanks for your comments. But, the article is to be read more to catch more out of it.

best wishes

Atul Negi said...

In the scientific world it was Newton who said something like, on the shoulders of giants, ...,. So we need the Great. We need them to inspire us, we need them to learn from, follow and emulate. However that will bring us only to a certain extant. Unless we can tune in and identify the thread of greatness within we shall be at the periphery and not taste the ambrosia of the High Truth.

Hrushikesha Mohanty said...

Namaskar Prof.Atul

I'm happy I have a billion of commoners in this country GREAT

thanks for your comemnts

Anonymous said...

I like the core meaning of your imaginary thoughts in "follow the greats". Its a clear message to the current working systems and self realization of the person.

I enjoyed a lot. Thanks and regards
