Thursday, June 25, 2015

An Open Letter to CM on Nabakalebara

Dear Hon’ble CM of Odisha
(sent to   (Chief Secretary)  (CMO)  )
Date: 25th June 2015
I live at Hyderabad since 30 years. I have nothing to do with politics there in Odisha. I’m writing to this being extremely hurt at the happenings at Shree Mandira Puri during Ghata Paribartan on    15-16 June '15
I hail from a small village in Odisha. I inherit the legacy of Shree Jagannath culture and belief. I’m not from an elite family to boast of. But, I’m surely proud of my inheritance. But, the happenings there at the epicenter of my belief have killed me. I’m sure, many believers like me  must be feeling the pain I have with me for this unholy acts of Daitapati s and failure of Shree Mandira administration.
I’m writing to you in distress for your concrete actions on the following points:

  1.        Seizure of cell phones of all the servitors who were in Shree Mandira during Ghata Paribartan on 15-16 June ’15.
  2.        Trace their communications to check whether they have taken picture of Brahma and sent it to somewhere. This news (rumour) adds to my distress.
  3. Suspend all servitors who were there in Shree Mandira until they are probed and exonerated. 
  4.      Suspend the Shree Mnadira administrator until he’s exonerated of his inaction. And he must not conduct the probe as  now he is engaged in.
  5.      Put the temple administration with Gajapati Maharaj. 
  6.       Put your ministers only on governance duty in Puri for Rath Yatra but not to indulge in temple rituals and activities. 
  7.       Sensitize Govt. media officers that Nabakalebara is not a tourism event , it’s much more to us devotee of Shri Jagannatha.             
Finally, my humble request to you is to come on public with Gajapati Maharaj and Jagadguru Shankaracharya to address us,  of Odisha and Shri Jagannatha Mahaprabhu devotees. Please assure us  the sanctity of Shree Madira is intact and will be so in future .

Best regards

Hrushikesha Mohanty

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


by Bertrand Russell 

Russell tells in 1st Chapter : The Principle of Growth

"The unquestioned authority of the Oriental despot found its religious expression in the Omnipotent Creator , whose glory was the sole aim of the man, and against whom man had no rights. "

Me: We Odias have turned despo at Daitas' words !

"Medieval society remained organic and not fundamentally hostile to life, since outward submission was compatible with inward freedom because it was voluntary."

Me: Probably that's why we say medieval society was peaceful and full of happiness.

" To, me the chief thing to be learnt through the war has been certain view of the springs of human action, what they are, and we may legitimately hope they will become "

Me: Russell is driven by war after effect impulse and has gone to theorise his understanding of society by Theory of Impulse . Interestingly, I find a similarity to it in Computer Science domain modelling by event-action paradigm . May be Hindu Mythology sees it as adrushta-ingita. 
Hope Russell will say how basic impulse human gets.

Russell wishing no war in Europe says :

"The hope of seeing such political institutions established in Europe as shall make man averse from war- a hope which I firmly believe to be realizable, though not without great and fundamental reconstruction of economic and social life. "

Me: Was Russell not for drastic social changes ?  Was fine with basics of West ?
As I have seen even with XGen they are very much aware of war tragedy what Europe had and they never want it. They are sensitised best to love Europe.

Russell tells in Preface : 

I consider the best life that which most built on creative impulses, an the worst that which is most inspired by love of possession. ...... Liberation of creativeness ought to be the principle of reform both in politics and economics.

Russell tells the idea of this book with this:

"My aim to suggest a philosophy of politics based on the belief that impulse has more effect than conscious purpose in moulding men's lives. Most impulses may be divided into two groups, the possessive and the creative, according as they aim at acquiring or retaining something  that can not be shared, or at bringing into the world some valuable thing, such as knowledge or art or goodwill, in which there is no private property."

Monday, June 8, 2015


- '95-'10 almost 15 years I was visiting this school daily. Today visited to collect my daughter board certificate. Nostalgic I felt .... It's different than today's high voltage corporate schools. BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, bhel campus, Hyderabad